so when are you going to come out to biffs on friday to meet up with us here in San Antonio?
Biffs???? Where is that???
topperwein and 35 N right behind the whataburger. We meet up around 8 there
I will try to go!! What side of town do you live at!! I think I saw you a while back on perrin beitel!! I live right around there!
lol I am all over San Antonio. But I don't live there I live out by seguin
hey what happened you didn't come out friday. I hope you go to meltdown with that car next week
I wish I could but I will be in Dallas that weekend. The reason I didn't go Friday is I was having a little issue with the police and my license!!
Hopefully I will get all that settled this week and put that $hit behind me!! I will make it out soon!!