anybody know a good website or shop that i can get some black mesh? if i paint it with a spray paint i dont want it to chip. if any of yall have experience with doin just that and it doesnt chip. let me know. thanks in advance.
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
either way you look at it if its not powder coated or anytrhing its gonna chip
u seen any powder coatin shops in austin?
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
go to capital city customs ... its on s. lamar
if you put a good layer of black on the mesh, and then use a flexable clear, you shouln't have a problem with cracking or chips. your friend the painter should konw what i'm talking about.
ya i think das wut ima do . im prolly just gonna paint it and put some durable clear on it
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!