you can't float accoss the Rio Grande in that!!!
La cHiCa LoCa wrote:Fags!
its ok... ill use the shocker to put a smile on youre face!!!
ok that is why he is carring my baby.
damnit people J-Bodies!!!! not Ghey-Bodies damnit read the addy lol
hey osama is alive and well i see
fags...ya'll jus jealous cuz i got nair FTW!!!
great ... i work with the ozz and we dont see each other anymore.. im sad.
he got ben pregnant ...
and then nair nuts the short mexican, asian, african, indian... i miss him.
You know I just noticed sum'thing in that pic. Theres a fuzzy blur right in your crotch area, does that mean your soul is leaving your penis?
ROFL only yolie would notice that
La cHiCa LoCa wrote:You know I just noticed sum'thing in that pic. Theres a fuzzy blur right in your crotch area, does that mean your soul is leaving your penis?
you want to play with my penis??
im sorry i didnt catch that?
dont temp her she might just drive down there just for that, hey her middle tounge ring vibrates you will love it
I dont wanna play with no ghostly penis!
WeakWack89... <---- lol
You need to go back to grade school and learn how to read, since you cant understand to scroll up and re-read what it says..lmao
..and no Ramon it does not vibrate, but since you do seem to be estatic about vibrating things, I do have something for your enjoyment that vibrates! lmao
sorry thats for pauls enjoyment only lol
Paul is not down with vibration stuff.
/sarcasm you want to play with mny penis and your vibrating tongue ring?!?!? /end sarcasm
vibrating tongue rings are weird ... i got on to and i couldnt handle that crap.
these are the conversations we have at work..
i get to see ozzie at work its so exciting !!!
wickedhawk: i lvoe you !
wickedhawk: you are my one and only.
wickedhawk: i dont want to be with osama any more... jsut you!
Ozzie TSS: thats nice to hear
Ozzie TSS: it's scary...but
Ozzie TSS: i was just thinkin of you too
Ozzie TSS: *tw
Ozzie TSS: *two
wickedhawk: youve got to stop cheating on me !
Ozzie TSS: with....
wickedhawk: ben and jenn!
Ozzie TSS: lol
yeah im extremely bored
i just thought of my next topic for a thread
so where is osama at he still perma banned from this site LOL