so yeah i have an IM come in.. only to notify me that over the weekend one of the org's beloved mexxicans got drunnk and in a mexican fashion pissed on the carpet rigght next to his bed. and in the closet. and puked all over his toilet. Tried to get up and slipped on his own puke knocking himself with the toilet!
f u c k i n mexxicans !!!
i tell you... theyll piss anywhere
i was friggin wasted.....
Mojito's FTW!!
but on the real...i don't like em....i'll take a screwdriver...hold the juice
Doin it Texas Style...
eeeeeck... wtf the closet? no pics of this drunk f*?
Damn Frijoleros!!! LOL
Thread is worthless without pics!
hoinestly how many ppl knew it was jaziel ... until they scroll down to read his reply