So guess what I did to my sunfire...
...and guess what my sister did to her cavy.
you i can believe but your sister NO @!#$ING WAY IN HELL
so thats where all that over time money went into lol
Yeah thats what my sister said about you inside a cavy. Then she started to giggle. lol
yeah i know why buy a cavy their econo cars that re-sale for crap. However i have wanted a J since i can remember. If i wanted a fast car i would have gotten a 350z, or a charger, but i didnt want to spend 100's of dollars on insurance, gas, and parts incase it were to break down. Oh and trust me their are far bigger guys in a cavy then i. Hell i fit into a damn miata got in easy but getting out thats a whole nother story.
I dont give a rats azzz if you drive a damn Maserati, youre still a retard!
Stop crying you baby! Stick your thumb back in your mouth and shut up! geezh!!! Take a joke would ya!
**awaits some ghey retarted come-back from Ramon.
lol looks good just don't ever show that to my girlfriend. She already wants to paint the sunfire pink. I told her maybe a pink pearl.
you should but some flabs in the front with the one on top making a small upside down V so it looks like a drivng .............PVSSY
UGh!!! I didnt paint my car pink. My car still remains red, lol... my sunfire has no potential.