Other than the intake, anything else done to it?
you dissapoint me danny of all the cars a ford, seeing as how its a gas guzzler should have just gotten a ls1 six speed camero. But i guess oh and another thing that dissapoints me is that when you poped the hood i was expecting a SC but nope. GAWD you suck
i guess the saying for hondas can now apply to mustangs
hope to see you at some meets but you have to park by yolie next to the dumpster
Oh yeah... youre definatly gonna have some fun in that thing.
I know I do! You know I have been eye'ing those newer mustangs.
I like them and is/are considering getting one.
I'm going to catch you leaning one day

Be ready.
you know i fiund no comfort in a mustang. And the trunk space! i feel like im sitting in a civic very small interior and im short but i cant get ym lean on!
i just dont like the mustangs!! i mean i love the unique exhaust sound but thats about it.
im not partial to mustangs at all. but im sure youll get some good numbers out of it.
Jeeze thats a lot of mustang hate, oh well im more than happy with this car, its not cheap like f-bodies, it is pretty decked out and in great condition, and has plenty of power for when i need it
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congrats i luv any car thats get attention from the owner good choice and at least its a gt
i want to see you run luis in that thing and see who has the cheap car
im glad you like it danny tis all that matters, but seriously run luis in your mustang
^ thats what i was thinking my trans am ate those cars like crazy... but if you like it good choice for you i guess.
I got a POS neon that will take u danny!
drives a cavalier but he has a pretty nice LT1 camaro.
I see Danny running from the NEON!
so are you going to start going to the rice killer meets then? they meet up in frisco by cruisers. check it out www.ricekiller.com
Congrats on the new addition. In all honesty it's got alot of potential. And Luis's camaro is modified more than an intake and exaust.
So actually it wouldn't be a fair race per say. But you never know, traction would be the key in all honesty.