hey someone told me ther is a big carshow in dallas on the 19th. Anybody know any details?
19th is Kuhmo Street Warriroz at Redline raceway ,Caddo,Tx.
I'm going to try to come down for both of them...
"The FACTS are always subject to CHANGE once the TRUTH is applied"
"In the entire history of man the only stupid questions are the ones that don't get asked"
he is talking to john sorry ben no one wants to see that integra your driving
i sitll want to see your car *so i can jack your head lights*
er... i mean so that i can admire your jdmness
oh you can crack jokes about them but then in some strange way you admire my headlights? lol
well there nice and big what can i say
hey were not talking about my package
no ozzie said those were as big as cherry seeds
jerks! only cause I tea bagged ozzie that one time
was this before you were given the Dirty Sanchez by steve...
or was it my Arabian sun goggles that made ya think that?
Doin it Texas Style...
lol... dirty sanchez! oh sooooo nasty boys!