June 16th does a few people wanna get together and roll out there. Just an idea no bi deal i know i am gonna go to a late show b/c even though i cant walk my bosshas given me a promotion where i sit alot. good news for me but i work a little later now. so i was gonna go opening night to the 9 or 10 o'clock show any and all are welcome. also i am unsure of theatre but am considering rave in ne mall,grapevine mills,maybe even fossil creek. anyway thought it might be fun
i would probably do ne malls rave seeing as they have a parking garage instead of out in the open. Im down even though i know that it will probably suck
yeah it might suck but i'll go
we could tottaly go drifting yo!

Doin it Texas Style...
no i'm going to go buy a 69 camaro and replace the american v-8 with a sr20det nissan motor yeah..i would be so cool.
Ill try and get off that night if can. would anyone be interested in doing it sat night light???

Change is Currently in effect!!!
All the cars look clean in the movie, but how in the hell do you have a hill billy as the main character in Japan? Wasnt he that retard quarterback in that highchool football movie?
I might bring the Drift Solstice on 20s out! Puhahahha!
sounds like a serial killer

Doin it Texas Style...
at least we know he can box.
you never had your car...
Crowd* oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo*
Now me and the mad scientist have to rip apart the block and replace the piston rings you fried
GAWD !$%#ing rusty got to go and @!#$ everything up DAMN IT
NO its over now rusty you killed it
ok so ne mall showing? also for video game guys the fast and the furious video game has been created and will release on ps2 in june i am excited but any who i took 1st tonight in flower mound i beat out 2 ss supercharged cobalts who actually had alot of votes but luckily i took 1st.
ps crutches suck
Let me know how it is, I don't know if its going to be good or not. It kind of looks cheesy, but who knows.
i expect it to be cheesy lol i'm just going to go for the meet and the making fun of movie afterwards. gotta chill with the crew
hanging with the crew and watching all the jack asses trying to drift and making bigger asses out of them selves, thats the funny part.