hey guys i needs ur help, i need to know iof any big car shows going on in texas, down in that valley it is "the scorcher" please any info will help, dates and website to shows phone numbers is possible
long time no see man!
and theres:
spring break jam on spi
heatwave(?) in corpus in oct.
heatwave in atx, july
hin once in a while
i think theres a big truck show in texas ski ranch (new braunfels) in the beginning of aug. uh thats all that i can think of now. lates man. call me before i leave to s.a. on aug 12th.
u just missed the heatwave in austin it was this weekend. HIN is on August 6 in dallas i think
I NEED a 97-99 LD9 engine harness for an auto.PM if u hav info.!!
plus you guys just missed the HIN in houston a couple of months ago...
rapfiend ,it has been an while it good to hear from you,. do u thinkk you can get me more info on the shows like a website if possible o r phone # i can call to get some more info, well thanks again i'll check back latter
I want to know about shows in the Ft.Worth area on sundays
go here for more info www.carsroadshow.com for more info on car shows in our area
hey i don;t konw if you noticed but these car shows already past and really do no good to me.............corpus heat wave was in 2004 i'm a little late for that one..any one that will happen in 05 and 06?????
HIN is aug 6th, you havent missed that one yet.
dude all the ones i listed are annual shows. meaning that they will be on around that time of teh year. the biggest one coming up after HIN is the corpus one in oct i think.
also there is a small one at best buy in brownsville on teh 7th i think....