Hey guys, I'm normally a WI J guy, but the Army is taking me around the world
. I need some help with my current setup, tuning and more than likely some charge pipe work. Is there anyone free to help me sometime in the future? I'm located in Fort Hood for a reference on where I am. Thanks! Access to a welder would be a definite plus, along with somebody with a good set of jacks and stands.
O noes!
theres a guy who goes by "muff" in that area from the org. he's been doing a turbo in his cavy. he mentioned theres a car wash they meet at on fri/sat nights. he has a silver cav w/some vinyl on the side if i remember right. he's in the army too so i know hes been busy w/that.
Ryan Moffenbier is his name.
Hey can you do me a favor? I have a buddy thats down there and I would like to shoot him an email. His name is Gustavo Dardon.
I know Muff, he's in my battalion even
. He can't help me though for what I need. What's the favor, A.15?
O noes!
I have a friend that I havn't seen in years that just got stationed there. His name is Gustavo Dardon... I was wondering if I could get his email so I can say hi.
Well, uh, do you have any knowledge what company or battalion he's in? That'll make it easier to find him.
O noes!
I sure don't. Don't worry about it if you can't do it. Thats ok.