DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I WANNA GO YOU F*CKER!!!!!!
me and ramon called it!!!
Ok the 2 of U R it. The race starts at 7:30 pm. We need to leave pretty early because traffic and parking is gonna suk. E-mail us and we will figure out what time we want 2 meet & where.
hey wait How bout lettting us go so you know we can get drunk and race back hahaha
Sorry i cant go my brother is in town came in today without telling any one so it would be kind of @!#$y if i went w/o him so you have one extra ticket. I wish i could go. John if you could get me her autograph i would really appreciate it if you can.
Dammit Ramon!!!

Derek, get a date.......jk. I have 1 extra ticket. Who else would be intrested?
im interested here is the cell prob to late thu 214 796 436. call when ever im going to get the car washed today so


Change is Currently in effect!!!
i cant seem to find any j-bods in my area if you can tell me where they meet ill be there i live in dallas and i chill in irving
Dude there all over the place. Since you chill in Irving we'll proly be there Saturday for a "mod day". I'm sure you could meet up there to check out some ride's or help out.
So whats up MOD day at williams?
how bout lets go on a killing spree.!
LMAO, I can't get the freak'n smiley's to work dammit. So hahahahahahhaha!
Yeah this Saturday at 10am we're meeting at will's for a mod day. Kelly and William have something's they would like to get finished up like a flip,flop trunk&some vinyl work. I may take some new can's of Krylon Fusion to do the back of my interior and touch up one of my window crank's. Derek, this might be a good chance to do some repair's in your interior too.
yea, sounds good to me. i need to do alot of sanding and repainting and clear coat.
I've got extra sander's too.
i wouldnt mind meeting you guys there at 10. ill prob. be gone bye like 4:00 or before b/c i have to work but other than that im there
Hey Drew, check the Texas J's page for direction's.