Hi All,
Sold my old Cavalier Z24 but kept the Stereo to part out.
For Sale:
One (1) Rockford Fosgate Power 1500bd.1
- 1717 watts RMS x 1 at 2 ohms
- 858 watts RMS x 1 at 4 ohms
- class bd technology
- wired remote included
PRICE: $200
Two (2) Rockford Fosgate Power HX2 DVC (Dual Voice Coil) ($200)
- 1000 watts RMS
- 2000 watts Peak Power Handling
PRICE $200
One (1) 2.5 cubic feet box (fits two-12'' subs)
- 1.25 cubic feet per sub
- Chambered Design (each sub has its own air space)
- 1" MDF on front face, 3/4'' MDF on all sides including chamber
PRICE: $50
Package Deal (Amp, Sub, Box): $350 obo
Also available
One (1) Alpine MRP-F200 (4 Channel Amp)
- 75 Watts x 4 Peak Power
- 40 Watts x 4 RMS Power
- 2-, 3-, 4-channel output
- Preamp outputs
PRICE: $50
Located in Edmonton, Alberta