Yes, something's wrong with the sql database on the BCJ forum. I'm attempting to fix it... bear with me.
...j <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
what did u break now john haha

<img src="">
If you need some help let me know, I manage a few mysql servers.
( MachineHead from BCJ )
i donno if darren got ahold of it i donno what would happen
oh come on now, it's not like I'd install some backdoor trojan so that I could use the server for hosting porn........... *cough*
haha do it do it
hey darren are u coming out tonight ??
Yep, though I'm not sure who's all coming out or what exactly we're doing? I heard Trevisio? Then what? Maybe Aimee will force you into watching Stargate hahahaha...if so, you = owned!
I blame all the post post wh0res

come on lenko fix it, I was waiting for you to reply to my offer for your trunk
Probably isn't helping with everyone sitting there hitting "refresh" over and over again.
ok darren i am off to the airport now.
i will see u in a few hours buddy
Someone sent me a PM to fix the time on the server... so I went into the admin panel for the main site and was looking around to see if I could find it... but I couldn't.
Then I went back on an hour later, and I couldn't access the forums at all... but I hadn't tried right after looking around the admin area...
So I can only assume that SOMEHOW I fux0red the sql database looking around in there... which I'm presently trying to figure out how to fix. Bear with me.
PS. Anyone have Mr Steve's phone number? I gotta call him. <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
Ok, it's fixed. Go whore it up yo.
Got Steve's number too. Thanks.
...j <br>
<br><br><a href=""><img src=""></a>
its not working for me..window pops up and says admin and asks for password and username
"Peter Griffin: Brian, there's a message in my Alpha Bits. It says "OOOOOO".
Brian Griffin: Peter, those are Cheerios. "
yup i got the same problem
probly still working out some details quick or sometin