I will probably be going. I'm gonna watch my friends race. If anyone from here wants to show up, tha'd be SwEeT!
My Car
when thursday?
Elmer the wricer hunter..."Shhh be vewy vewy quiet...I'm huntin wrice"
Kill da wriiiicer...Kill da Wricerrrrr..kill daaa wriccceeerr!!!
Like 4 pm I think.
I hear there is this sick turbo drag cobalt that runs every week. Hopefully it's there.
My Car
I dont get off work till 4:30pm in fontana..how late are you guys going to be there?..haw many peeps going to be there?
Elmer the wricer hunter..."Shhh be vewy vewy quiet...I'm huntin wrice"
Kill da wriiiicer...Kill da Wricerrrrr..kill daaa wriccceeerr!!!
hey tom, ill be home july 28th. ill go to irwindale the thursday after that.
It was pretty cool.
There was this sick rx-3 that was running 5.5's in the 1/8 at 124 mph
I didn't see the cobalt I mentioned. My neighbors GN ran 130 mph. Twin turbo. Both turbo's bigger than my head.
My two friends that raced ran an 8.8 and a 9.1
I was so temped to race. There were a load of hondas running consistant 10.5's. I had the 05 fire. Bone stock

But I didn't have any money.
Gino, lmk when you want to go.
My Car