I know this new topic is probably meaningles but thought Id comment anyway about how cool it is for a website to represent and support the Cavalier and Sunfire platforms. You guys got my respect all the way!!
HATERS!!! Quit hating, It' haters like you that are killing the ORG.
Actually it's the knee jerk reaction of people like you that are killing it. ::glug glug::
yeah okay! poor guy cant get no action at home! pst(it's okay to come out of the closet) !!
I was refering to you FstCavZ24 (what is to come)! any way why do you have to be such an @$$?
I'm pretty sure his comment was a joke, and so was mine. Maybe if you got laid more you wouldn't have so much pent up rage.
Nope, sorry no rage here! Any way dont you have some poor defenseless kid to molest.
What is the org coming to!!!
Sunfires... eh (Tom) wrote:zOmg!!
What is the org coming to!!!
Dude, cmon quit be a dick you little punk @!#$.
Anyways did you get the SC on yet? I'm getting the rest of my turbo parts tomorrow and starting the install. Don't let me beat you to boost.
I think you will beat me too it.... a$$.
Hey what brakes do you have on the rear?
I'm about 50% done already
. Willwood's.
04jbody wrote:Nope, sorry no rage here! Any way dont you have some poor defenseless kid to molest.
Wait a second.... Chad..... you molest little kids.
Oh, you said something about what you were using for an oil catch can. You have any pics.