me and my lady just took a trip down to anaheim over this past weekend, and i gotta ask. WHAT IS WITH ALL THE RICERS!?!?!?!? i mean seriously i seen so many shopping carts, and altezzas over that weekend than i ever have in my life. california has a lot of cars that are hella JDM, but in the anaheim area i saw a lot of ricers. do these dudes not get it, that that stuff isnt cool anymore? :end rant:
just thought i'd ask
yep it just gets worse everyday
It's everywhere you go.
It's worse in the Inland Empire when you get into the areas of San Bernardino/Fontana however.
SoCal is the land of "Image is Everything". Everyone tries to copy other people but they usually do not have the money to do it correctly. So, they put the most visible item on the vehicle to give it the "image". This is usually the Altezzas and big wing or 15" alloys. Occasionally you get the unpainted body kit. Start from the inside out if you ask me.
do you feel better now?
why yes i do. theres a lot of ricers here in vegas too. but it seemed as though everywhere i went i saw a HUGE wing and altezzas in the anaheim area. mainly old school integras
your from vegas? cool, have you seen this integra before?
kinda looks familiar. i think i actually saw it (or something like it) at a local shop here called regulate. you know the guy that drives it?
Mikedirntrulez wrote:It's everywhere you go.
It's worse in the Inland Empire when you get into the areas of San Bernardino/Fontana however.
hah yeah I spend lots of time there. Not only is it worse, those guys are plain delusional. I get challenged to races when I'm on my SPORTBIKE by guys in 1990 Accords, 95 Neons and the likes ALL THE TIME.
yea IE is pretty bad too. when i was rolling down through the long beach area it seemed different. seemed like the cars were just clean. not ricey or overdone but clean? hmm. california has its goods and bads just like here i guess
It seems to get somewhat bad down in IB. almost to the border, I guess it's all over.
Brett Basham wrote:whats IB?
Imperial Beach
I guess all those spoilers APC that sold for $15 when they closed fell into the wrong hands.