its mostly a nor-cal site for people local, and the domain is: , and i have big plans for this site.
i want it to be a place for not only me and my friends, but other people into car tuning. i plan on handing out flyers and getting some sticker logos made for my car.
but first i need to build the site. and this is where i need opinions on what would be cool, diffrent, and fun. im pretty skilled with computers and use to own a computer forum a few years ago.
few questions for you guys:
1) Should it have some kind of small forum with a car showcase area, similiar to cardomain where users can change things, or should i make it so only i can upload info, pics, etc?
2) By making it an all-out car tuning website, do you think i should also include info, pics, etc. of car games such as Juiced or NFS?
3) i would like to help people find cheap prices on car parts, because i know a few shops in this area where things are like wholesale. should i include a section like this?
im sure ill have more questions in the future. i just need to get started somehwere and dont know what direction i want to go. thanks for any feedback.
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
oops. apparently im not supposed to post stuff like this in the general forum?
oh well, my bad. i didnt think asking for opinions on another site was against the rules.
sorry all.
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
I 'm a little confused. What big plans do you already have for the site?
basically my "big plan" is to bring together car enthusists from around nor-cal, and make a nice little community.
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
ok so i have the site up and running, with what i think is a pretty clean look.
tell me what you guys think:
and so far there is only me and my friend on there because we just got it up and running night before last, so ive had no time to spread word-of-mouth yet. im making up some fliers now, and hopefully it will be a thriving community soon
what do you guys think of the look?
- Cameron (CaliforniaCavalier)
- (my new NOR-CAL car tuning site)