I was going from Kirksville, MO to Columbia, MO actually doing the speed limit (70 mph) and everything was fine....... then my speedometer started bouncing around like a tach on crack. It first start out bouncing around from 70mph down to about 55 or 60mph. Then it would level back out to 70mph. Then it would go nuts again and bounce all the way down to 35mph and then back up to 70mph. While all of this was going on the tach remained where it should have been and it worked like it was supposed to be working, the car was running fine, no shimmies or shakes or missfires notices in the car. Just the speedometer going nuts....
Any suggestions on what might be causing my speedometer to be going nuts, or any suggestions on how to fix the problem would be greatly appritiated!!! I can drive my car by reading my tach and can manage to stay close to the speed limit but the bouncing of my speedometer is driving me NUTS!!!! HELP!!!!
Could be the cluster or a wheel speed sensor. I had the same problem in my 91 Cutlass and it was a wheel speed sensor.
Drive to STL and see if it gets any better.
vss could be loose or dirty
Vehicle speed sensor. Could be that too. It's on the transmission. If i'm not mistaken, that is the reading that the speedo takes. The wheel speed sensors are for the ABS.
yea the speedo is controlled by the vss. it plugs right into the trans. make sure its not loose and if its not, take it out and look to see if its dirty. it could have metal flakes all over the top of it (from the tranny) if it does, that coud be causing the miss reading and if thats what it is, start saving for a new tranny because that one is about to go
Thanks for the info I will check the vehicle speed sensor on the transmission in the morning!!
Well my speedo reads about 20 mph faster than it should.?
It doesnt jump or skip.When im doing 85 mph, in reality im doing 65.
I had a frriend driving next to me and i ask him how fast we were going because i felt like i was going to dam slow.