hey guys i got a problem with my fuel pump i think. it started when it was cold out last week and i went to go turn the car on and i didn't get that humm that you do when the pump turns on before the car turns over. So i checked all the fuses and even banged on the tank and nothing happened . I turned the heater on in my garage for about 4 hours and then tried to start it and the pump came back on . Now its not running again i just tried it this morning so if anyone has any suggestions please let me know thanks
Sounds like you are getting power to the pump but you should verify. Sometimes if there is marginal resistance in your grounds during cold weather it will cause no start condition. Also, do you keep your gas tank greater than 1/2 full to prevent condensation (possibly causing the pump to freeze). Good luck.
fuel pump relay
i hjad the same thing happen this winter. turn key, no hum, long crank/hard start. replaced my fuel pump relay, turn key, hum, normal start
never knew the fuel pump relay was only for the system prime b4 that....
well i have my tank filled over half , i have never heard of the pump freezing before, do you think it could also be a short somewhere
is the relay hard to replace
nope, look under the hood, that box right beside your battery. take the cover off, and you'll see a whole row of relays (big, and small ones) it'll be the second one back (A/c will be first, then Fuel Pump) try switching those two, if it works when u put the one in from ur A/C, then it's the relay, if it makes no diff, then u have a diff problem.
yeah i know what your talking about i just thought there was something else ether than the fuse , those are like 4 bucks at auto zone arent they
i guess if i cant figure out the problem im going for a bigger pump , because the turbo is on and i plan on making some big power with it so fuel will become an issue
well like i saidm jus try the A/C relay, they are the same. ya they should be somethin like that. and it's not a fuse, i dont even know if there is a fuse for the fuel pump...