This was the perfect day for this to happen out here in denver with the coldest windyest day this year. Last night my window just stopped working (electric) on my driver side. My passenger side works still. It didn't slow down at all, which is why I am wondering if it might not be the motor. Anyone that can help?
1) check to make sure you didnt hit the window lock button.
2)Put ear about midway onto door, and hit window switch, do you hear a clicking noise?
It's really hard to tell if there's a clicking sound with this wind, but when I press all the way down on the button that clicks. There is no window lock on it either. What would it be if there was clicking?
Ive had this problem so many freaking times its rediculaus. When i hear the clicking noise, its getting power, but motor isnt going anywhere.
I gave up got a Vibe window motor, never had a problem since.
It was the switch in the middle console... that wasn't too bad
remove the switch, jump it using a jumper wire 10 gauge and see if it works.
- 2004 Cavalier - 124k, owned since new