i got a gt sunfire with the 2.4 engine how hard is it to replace the piston rings?
What year? What mileage?
Do you know what a piston ring is? cause when you know what pistons rings are, you don't ask a question like that.
You know they won't give you any Hp gain(unless the one you have are worn out).
Is it burning oil? do you have blue smoke coming from the exhaust?
explain more what your problem is.
and yes it's hard to change them when you don't know what the part is.
2.3 Ho
ouch, damn Chris I'm glad you asked and not me, which leads to me joining this thread.
1. yes I do know what a piston ring is, no i have never changed one before, but i have friends who have.
2. 2000 2.4l with aboot 111,000m
3. no blue smoke, yet, but definitely burning oil
4. been debating for a while whether or not to just pick up a second engine and rebuild at my wallets pace, or to do an efficient (read: not what I really want) once over of the motor.
1. is it still that hard if i know what a piston ring is and i am comfortable working with internals and have the right tools, i doubt it, but some peoples hard is really just "time consuming and very meticulous"
BTW I am in no way trying to be an ass, i want to know too as I now feel I have a problem that needs to be fixed and would like to know from someone who's done this, what kind of crack the engineers were smoking when they designed the internals of the engine
You'd be better keeping that engine for now and build another one at the same time.
It's more than just changing the rings. You'll have to take out the engine and take it all appart (except for the crank). That is the hard part. It's time consuming but you need to be carefull when you put the rings on the pistons and don't cut yourself. Used pistons rings are sharp and you'll cut yourself a finger really easily. You'll need to mesure the cylinder wall because it will most likely be oval.
You'll be rebuilding the engine so you're better running that one and build another one. You'll rebuild 2 engine otherwise.
What make you think your burning oil? The oil level go down but you have no leak?
The head gasket can cause that too. Check the compression. You'll know right away if you need to take it appart.
2.3 Ho
thank you sir for the info.
yep burning some oil but not a super dramatic amount yet, enough to constantly check it since i do a lot of driving.
planned on a full rebuild if i was gonna have it apart anyways, or another one in pieces, will have to do a comp check, would be much happier to just change a gasket right now and wait on getting a new heart for my baby
also when u install the rings, u have to make sure they are end gapped right, dont be a dick and get ur piston jammed in a cylinder, and for gawd sake, put the right ring in the right groove