I got a 2.2 97 cavy and after a long time of driving the Oil Light will appear when i brake or put the car in park. but once I start accelerating it goes out. I have oil pressue I checked that so what else could it be?
a loose wire to the sensor or low oil level.
When idling if the oil light comes on but goes out when accelerating the oil pressure is prolly low.
Get an oil change. Prolly low or a visc thats too thin.
The oil level is correct and its the correct visc. and i just did an oil change not even 300 miles ago. Im going to check the wiring 2morrow
your oil pickup tube screen might be clogged with sludge and when you accelerate it will be ok because the pump has a higher suction. drop the oil pan and check it out
Yep, either that or you have an oil pump that's going south. A '97 cavy you say? Well, there's probably a lot of miles on it then? If you're still running with the OE pump, then it's a likely culprit. While you have the pan off, the pump is bolted to the front bearing/seal. There's a tight fit issue, the retainer of the pick-up tube needs to be soaked in HOT water so it can expand and fit over the shaft (??, looked it up in Chilton's repair book.)