Will the front left wheel bearing from any 3rd gen cavalier fit my 2000 z24 properly ? Mine has gone and needs attention, just wondering if they are all the same ?.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
I believe so, a 3rd Gen is a 95-05, so i would assume as much, check part #'s from that one to the one a 2000 uses.
Thanks, my reasoning for this is due to my current one being blown to bits, the dealers wants 250 $, and my mechanic wants 200 $... for a wheel bearing... Im hoping a scrap yard would sell me one fore 150 $ or less.
My Cav
I give up...
i'm buying a VW those people love trees, so they should love eachother too... "Andy"
i got one from Salvo auto parts for like $83.
Check your local auto parts store, Im quite sure you can find a better price.
Say it with me, "Its not what you know...It's what you can prove"
yeah, i got mine from Autozone for like $70, and my dad's friend and I installed it in less than an hour.
Not to hijack this post, but speaking of front left wheel bearings....My '95 sunfire is making a very loud grinding noise that increases with speed. I'm assuming that the bearing is the trouble. Couldn't be axles could it? I don't want to spend the $$ taking it to a shop, so I'm going to replace the bearing myself, I just hope that is really the problem.
'95 Sunfire - 5 speed - Barney Purple
Hey guys, new here, but have had the Cavalier forever. I need to replace the front wheel bearing, and have 2 questions. I think its the left that is bad, but not positive. It gets quiet on a right turn, so that implies left bearing bad right? Also, are there specific torque settings for anything when replacing?
i've changed both of mine allready, both cost me 95$.. dunno about that 250$ ordeal.. anywho... torque the bearing nut to about 180 after you replace it.. and you'l need a 30 mm DEEP socket.. bought myself that socket just for that.. had a hard time finding one.. and as for which side bearing? both times for me it was the oposite bearing from the side i was turning.. but i don't know if that's a rule of thumb though...
Ok, I was attempting the procedure last night on the left side. My Haynes manual says I have to remove the axle, stabilizer bar and separate the steering shaft from the steering knuckle. Other than the fact that I didn't have the deep well socket big enough for the axle nut, I didn't see why I needed to do all of that. Can someone give a brief write up on the best/easiest way to change this sucker out?
'95 Sunfire - 5 speed - Barney Purple
Thanks jimbo!! Couldn't ask for a better write up than that! Man, now I have to go out and purchase 2 new sockets........Oh well, beats paying $200 for labor.
'95 Sunfire - 5 speed - Barney Purple