I recently bought a Z24 1990 3.1L
it worked fine for about 3 weeks, and then everythign started happing....
One day I had it out and it got hard to put into 1st so i drove home not useing 1st gear, i asked around everyone said, "Slave Cylender" i went out bought a new one instaled it last night. Drove home worked fine, but the minute i put it into my drive way no gears, wouldnt go into a single gear. but reverse and it would grind the @!#$ out of it.
My buddy told me he thinks it could be the Slave Cylender for the clutch peadle its self but im running tight on money and i can't afford to go out and buy parts and it not solve my problem.
Anyone may know what it could be?
letme know ASAP thanks
take it to a shop and have them look at it. dont just go replacing parts if your not sure, thats how you waste money. if its not going in gear, you probably have bad syncros
It goes into gear fine when its turnt off, but when i turn it on and its in nutrual it wont go into gear. some people think its the clutch petal or even the clutch, i just need help with figuring it out.....
got any fluid in the fluid reservoir for the clutch cylinder?
maybe your master cylinder is not working.
you gotta check to make sure your master and slave cylinder are working.
2.3 Ho
My friend told me he thinks its the Clutch petal pump, what do you guys think, do you think that could be it?
Could be the master yes, you need to take out the salve cylinder and push it down and have your friend push the clutch pedal and see if everything is working.
2.3 Ho
make sure slave cylinder is bled, the best method the bleed clutches is to vacuum bleed them
bleeding a clutch can be a royal pITA at times, you probobly just have air in the system somewhere....