my brothers 98 z w/2.4 has a prob.only seems to run on cylenders #1 @ #2,#3 @#4 are dead.checked coils they are working,did compression check and all arehigh and pretty even across the board,changened ignition control moduel as someone told me that could be prob.just doesnt seem to fire the coils for 3 @4 when it should.could it possibly be the pcm?we also changed the coil to spark plub boots
no ideas from anyone???????????????????????????just for giggles i checked the connections at the pcm and all seems well there-all connectionsare clean.also tried cam position sensor today but didn;t change anything
Did this just occur or was the car worked on beforehand?
Has the plug lead order been changed accidentally?
Things you could try at no cost:-
Swap plugs 1 and 2 for those in the 3 and 4 position and vice versa-does the fault move with the plugs swap?
If it is a wasted spark system i.e. plugs 1 and 2 firing at the same time(one on the exhaust stroke) it is possible for one dead plug to prevent sparking at the other as the current has to flow through both plugs
If you change the coil firing cylinders 3 and 4 to the 1 and 2 position and 1 and 2 to 3 and 4 does the fault move with the coil?
These are just some ideas
It'll maybe bump you up to get the answer
I would check plugs on 3&4, maybe swap like said above, if not that, not really sure what else. except maybe the springs in the boots, or even the boots themselves.
my sunfire did the EXACT same thing. after replacing cam/crank sensors/coil and so forth. i replaced the coil cover with a new one from napa. believe it was about 90 bucks.. fired right up and ran perfect..
So there you have it, Rich
Craig came up with the answer right away
Tell me It did solve the problen?
the coil housing is the only thing we have not tried,today tried a crank sensor but no changed even attempted a different pcm.both coils do work-1@4 fire from same coil as do 3@2 so those are fine.installed new spark plugs no help...........getting pretty frustrated with it as it makes no sense but tommorrow i will try craig's advice and try the coil housing hopefully that will cure the problem and i will post the results.thank you for you're thoughts guys
i did that as well, changed my coil housing ($30 for me) and fixed it right up, if that's not it, check injector pulse
but ya i had a major problem of 2 cylinders running only and a new coil cover/tower did the trick
my buddy had the same problem.. after checking compression doing the same checks, we found out the only thing that was causing it was 2 fuel injectors clogged.... they weren't vapourizing the gas they were just dropping it in...... alsot he injectors were wired negativily so threw all everything off we oculdnt find the problem at first until we got into it