well the ABS and EBRAKE both came on at the same time right after i installed my remote start is there any wire that i could of crossed to make BOTH of these lights come on?? and stay on im getting so sick of them im about to cover them with black tape. My abs brakes also do not work since the light is on the braking feels alot different any ideas???
did you work on your brakes at all around the time they started to come on? there is an abs sensor behind each rotor
Most likely when you tapped into the brake light switch for the remote-starter cutoff you miswired something.
well any suggestions i didnt do it the shop did it and there dumbasses and wont fix it.. so which wire does it sound like is tapped wrong?
I would just take it somewhere and find out if it is something the shop messed up on or if it is just a coinsidence that it came on when you got the car back. If the shop did mess it up I would dispute the charges.
well both my brake lights came on when i hit a pot hole, i think it's b/c my ABS module took a @!#$
they may have cut/tapped into your ABS module power feed wire
A plastic bag wrapped around my sensor when I was on the freeway and it melted all over it....Took me a while to figure it out, but I eventually did.
ya but that wouldn't cause the red brake light to come on as well way fast
It sure did....Once I got the issue fixed they both went off.
that dont seem right, the red light should come one when u have a broken line or your parking brake is on, not when an ABS sensor is @!#$ up
ya thats what i dont get its the EBAKE and the ABS at the exact same time and both havent been off since!!!..no one knows specfically where to look or anything? there cant be too many wires u can tap that trigger BOTH lights i just dont know
Dare I ask if the brake fluid level is correct. If this were down wouldn't the ABS not work AND the brake light come ON.
Well, it's only an idea
well if the ABS moduleisn;t gettin power, then both lights will come on
if the ABS light is on it will have absolutely NO affect on braking... your breaking will work 00% normal ecsepct ABS itself will not function, it will be like driving a non ABS car. Brake light comes on when the fluid is low and when the parking brake is on...
chances are somethign is wired wrong
like he already said, and we've already stated
There is always something wrong with him or his car
don't be an ass.....
"My abs brakes also do not work since the light is on the braking feels alot different any ideas???"
^^^ that is why I posted it, its in his head, the car will NOT act any different with the light on
ya right.. dont make me bring back the old pictures of your @!#$ and embaress the hell out of you bro.. anyway the fluid is correct ect its def. and electronic problem.. where is the abs module how do i test.. and pretty much NOTHING will trigger the ebrake light as far as fluid ect.. its a switch not a fluid level sensor.. imagine all the problems i have and my shi t still looks better then that gay 4 door
I'm sure you will say that to Phlatcav also?
At least his gay four door isnt full of stop leak!
and pretty much NOTHING will trigger the ebrake light as far as fluid ect.. its a switch not a fluid level sensor..
Well in the '93 2.2's the Brake Indicator is triggered by:-
1. Park Brake switch
2. Brake Fluid Level Switch
3. Electronic Brake Control Module
So the E brake light WILL be triggered by LOW brake fluid
Don't forget most of us are trying to help you
In the '93's again, I have no info for the 96's, there is a Tan/White wire assy running from the ignition switch to :-
Brake indicator light
brake fluid level switch
electronic brake control module
park brake switch
(and Daytime running lights module)
If that wire assy received an earthed or grounded wire from the remote start during installation this would
1. Switch on the brake indicator
2. The Electronic Brake Control module would see this as Low Brake Fluid level and switch on the ABS light
This would agree with the third post down by JH On Wed Nov 2nd
That's a thought , anyway
so this tan wire goes to all them?? im confused
ps this is by far the tightest cav ive seen on the org

so my car could be overflowing with stop leak and id take it over that anyday
umm hes car is way past that. atleast he doesnt crash it every other month and need repairs. i guess your self esteem just rose about 10 points huh?