Hey guys, I have an issue with my 01 Cav...
When driving all seems fine and I don't "feel" anything wrong with the car but while the car is rolling, I hear a "Wub Wub Wub" (not at all a squeek, but a repetetive "thud") sound that I
think is coming from the front passenger side. Also, the sound seems to muffle significantly when the brakes are applied. Two important things to note:
1. When I last went to change my brake pads, I was told that the wear pattern (raised rubber on the front edges of the tire tread design and lower at the back) on both of my rear wheels indicated my struts are having trouble and may need to be replaced (haven't done yet).
2. About 3 months back I needed to make an emergency swerve to avoid a collision at 20-30mph and scrubbed a curb corner with my front right tire which as far as I could see only damaged the hubcap and left a little scuffing on the tire which was cleaned off with a dry rag.
The ride didn't and still doesn't feel any different.
Could either of these issues be the cause of this sound, and if so where do I start?
Also, where should I look to buy replacement rear struts online? I'm not looking for performance here, cost is a factor.
Thanks for all the help guys
Check your hub bearing it sounds like its the problem. Pull the tire, pull the caliper and pads. see if the hub wiggles any ar all. If it does its bad.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
Wait. Is it "Wub, Wub" or "DUB, DUB" Caus your car me be saying it wants to be pimped out and rollin on 20's. Listen carefully WUB and DUB sound very close and its an easy mistake to make.
jk Good Luck
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
if it started right after hitting that curb, could be a wheels bearing. Also, you could check out your guide pins on the calipers and make sure they're lubricated, that usually cause noise until the brakes are applied.
check for a bubble on a tire, that can do it also
wow, that's a lot of replies... thanks guys
Jackalope forgive me, but I'm kind of a child when it comes to disassembly in the wheel well. Could you explain to me (with pics would be insanely helpful) what needs to be done to remove the pads and caliper, and tell me which way the hub shouldn't wiggle (ie: in and out from wheel well, up and down, side to side).
alex I think the sound started a couple months later then the curb issue. I'll check those pins (if I knew how to get them out and what they looked like), though the noise seems to only muffle at times when brakes are applied (and still rolling) and not necessarily stop completely :p
qaz, checked but no bubbles to be found. thanks for the tip though
I appreciate all the help guys, please keep the replies coming
Ok, I'll try a step by step. jack up your cars front and pull its tires. You'll need 2 jack stands to hold the car up so borrow or but them as ther not very expensive. Now that the tires are off the caliper is right there. The caliper is the part the holds the brake pads in place and squezes them to the rotor to slow you down. Anyway there are 2 bolts that hold each capliper onto the car they SHOULD be 3/8 allen key style bolts.
the bolts are located one on the top and one on the bottom on the back side of the caliper. Remove those 2 bolts. Once the bolts are out you may need a small pry bar or screw driver to pry the caliper and brake pad assembly off the rotor. They'll slide up towards the front of the car and out. Once there off grab the rotor and pull it off, It should just slide right off. With the rotor off the car you'll be looking directly at the hub. Its the part with the studs that the wheel bolts to. Now grab the studs and try to wiggle them up and down and left to right. There should be a little movement but thats from the suspension parts moveing what your looking for is ANY movement AT ALL where the
hub bolts to the rest of the car AKA the spindle or steering knuckle. If theres no movement then they probly aren't the problem. If there is the next step is to remove and replace it. Go do the check and get back to me. You may want to buy a Haynes Manual for the car so you can have step by step instructions with pics. But if you have
any questions feel free to ask.
Good Luck
BTW reasembly is just the reverse just make sure when you pull the calipers NOONE touches the brake peddle!!!! VERY IMPORTANT do not forget!! it can destroy the calipers and create more work.
Semper Fi SAINT. May you rest in peace.
try this:
or this:
Hope it helps

Hey guys quick update. did the test and the hub bearing seems to be just fine. On a similiar note, I got a flat on the rear driver's side, said screw it (ironically that's what flatted me), and got 2 new Pirelli P3000 Cinturato's (stock size). The reason it relates to this thread is because the sound has now vanished! It seems that all I needed was a wheel balance and didn't even realize it :p
Lesson learned: Always do the basic checks before assuming it could be a bigger problem.
Thanks for all the help regardless guys.