This "knock" occurs only when I am turning the wheels. It does not produce hardly any sound and can only be felt through my steering wheel when I turn to back out of my driveway or turn slowly anywhere else. No noticeable shaking or anythings while driving down the road. I checked out everything inderneath and I saw no damage or any indicators. Perhaps something needs some lube? There is a joint right behind the front brakes that looks like it has a tip to insert a lube nozzle or soething. Below it is the boot or cushion or whatever it is for the joint.
Anyone have any ideas?
What year is your car? I had a 99' cavalier and there was a problem with the steering rack and a broken tooth or something. it was repaired under warranty. check if there is a recall too.
Yeah, what year is your car? I have a 2000 5 speed Z24, and am experiencing a similar problem. It's most noticable when I have my clutch down almost all the way and turn the wheel (IE: backing up and turning slowly, or just turning slowly in general).
I was really curious if it was something to worry about, but haven't gotten a chance to take it in yet (assumed it wasn't that serious).
Please post any updates, and I will do the same.
Could be the strut bearings going south. The grease fitting you are talking about is on the tie rods. They should be greased now and then, so do it if you haven't done so already.
It most likely is the intermediate steering shaft. GM sells and updated one or you can buy a lube kit through them.
Yea I think you need the lube kit. I have a 2000 Z24 & I need new strut mounts & they make a noise also, but the noise when you turn the wheel is different. I am wondering what the part # and also how hard it is to install the lube kit?? Also where do you put the lube in at?? Anyone know about that lube kit?
2000 Cavalier Z24 A4 Green Met.
i think its the strut bearings, we had a used 99 cav come in at work (trade in) that needed em, plus my moms 99 cav needed em
zsquee24 wrote:It most likely is the intermediate steering shaft. GM sells and updated one or you can buy a lube kit through them.
Yeah thats what that is........there is a recall for a gear in the rac on some years but your problem i think i would say in th shaft....ive seen it on other GM's its a they say instead of lubing it to replace it
I have a 01 sunfire and have had the same problem for about 3 months now. I had the struts and strut bearings replaced in june, so its not that. The strut bearings make a louder clunk, and when they get really bad will actually cause your tires to stick left or right depending on which way you turned the wheel last.
2001 Sunfire, 2.2L
it definitly sounds like the Int. shaft.....Dont bother wasting your time with the lube kit......Its just a temp. fix and way for GM to save money on warrany repairs....Done lots of them, just replace it.....

P&P Tuning
420.5whp / 359.8wtq
I am having a similar problem aswell. When turning the steering wheel at low speeds u will hear a whooshing noise when u are turning left to right or right to left. Also when reversing or driving forward and holdng the wheel to make a turn it'll happen. I already had the recall to the Rack done a few years ago. I wonder if it's the problem again
Anyone have a part number?
I did the lube on my car 3 years ago and it still is fine.
zsquee24 wrote:I did the lube on my car 3 years ago and it still is fine.
Same here. And it was a Technical Service Bulletin. No recall was issued because it's not a safety concern.

Does anyone have a copy of the TSB that they can cut and paste in to this thread?
Thx - Brad
my car is an 03 cavy.
where do you lube the inter. steering shaft at?
I do not have a warranty any longer; what does it cost to get it replaced? i don't want to replace it until it gets really bad unless it will mess up other parts of my steering.