I have a 96 Sunfire with the 2.2L engine. I intstalled two waterpumps-the first one was defective and leaked out of the weep hole. I checked the second waterpump that I have installed and everything appears fine, no leaks out of the weep holes. There is still one problem, the right (passenger side) frame rail appears to be dripping coolant. I re-checked the water pump, no leaks. I am loosing a very little amount of coolant, where could this leak be coming from?? Are there any hidden hoses that I don't know about?? Also could this be caused by the coolant that spilled when I took out the old waterpump? Would the coolant sit in the valleys in the frame? All advice is greatly appreciated in advance!!!
The first thing to do is clean/dry up any visible coolant & check your coolant level at the reservoir. After a normal trip or normal day of driving check your fluid level AFTER it cools down & check the areas where you had coolant previously. It's a start.
I have had cars have numerous coolant leaks and the other ones will not show until the biggest one is fixed. You could have a head gasket leak and the water pump was leaking so bad that there was not enough pressure to make it leak at the headgasket. I would do as Jeff said, clean it up real good and drive it for a day.