ok, when my car is in stand by, it gets crazy... It starts acelerating and deacelerating just a bit, and the air conditioning goes warm.. Also, it heats up very fast....
So, my first impression was the water pump gone bad since when I saw a couple of times under the car, I saw water at the center of the engine (below, just a bit) and below the pulies, a bunch of water, like maybe 1/8 a galon or so ?...... Each time I see this water when I arrive home and turn off the car.......
when I drive normaly, the car runs fine and the air conditioning runs cool......
has anybody had this problem before ?,,,,
I am not 100 % percent shure is the waterpump since the water that is below the engine is clear, and the coolant that I use is a mixture of water and the green stuff......
thanks for any info, recomendation
I had the exact same problem. I'm not sure exactly what it might be in your case but for mine it was my battery. It still started my car just fine but when I went & got it tested it came out bad. I went & get an Optima Red Top & haven't had that problem since.... A\C runs fine.....
belt loose? if it's slipping it will cause a lot of those problems
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I solved the problem, It was the fan that was bad..... The motor was burned.......
I replaced the fan and no problems so far
thanks anyways