well the wires that connect to my cat O2 sensor got to close to the block somehow and melted the coating on the wires. I used some electrical tape to try to fix it but I keep getting the code for O2 sensor bank 2 fault. did it short out the sensor or the plug module when it melted? would discon the battery for 15 min reset the computer and make it realize that the sensor is still there? what should I do?
Since they're not terribly expensive, try replacing the O2 sensor, which should replace the melted wires anyway. If nothing else it will rule out that possibility for not much money.
Sleeper style, they don't see it coming that way.
yeah I thought about that. The sensor that is in there has less than 10,000 miles on it but...maybe replacing it is the only option. has anyone else experience this?
the wire was exposed and touching metal (grounding out) so I am thinking it is frired (the sensor)