When you've removed teh blower motor this is what you should see.
As we move in for a close up you can see the bad resisitor.
Unplug the harness again.
OK, here's were the dick's at GM decided to @!#$ with us DIY'ers. Change your 7mm socket to a 7/32 socket as that's what the bolt size is holding the resistor card in place. ALSO, Cut a flap out of the padding as you will have a killer time getting your ratchet back in there for the secong bolt holding the resisitor card up. If you do it right you will be able to fold up the part you cut.
Reverse steps to install the new resistor.
GM part # 52476725
List price : $30.89
I paid $20 + tax from a dealer. Tell the guy at the parts counter not to be a prick, they can change the price if they want..
BTW, this is why the blower doesnt work.
Hope this helps someone out there.
You don't have to remove the motor to gain access to the resistor...
If you can work it with the motor in place, god bless!!!
RedDevil, consider it a 2-n-1 howto --- Blower motor replacement, blower motor resistor replacement...
HC, props on the fine photos. Quite informative.
or instead of cutting anything you could leave the motor there and use a universal flex adapter on the ratchet !!!!