Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0 - Maintenance and Repair Forum

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Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Thursday, September 22, 2005 8:38 AM
89 Cavalier 2.0 automatic

1. When at a redlight, once every minute it will miss once, thats it. doesnt die or anything, just one cut out.

2. When it gets started the first time each day, when I go to back up it lugs like crazy, I have to press the gas and release repeatedly to get it to go. Choke stuck??

3. The gas peddle is harder then heck to press. I cleaned the plate for the throttle in the throttle body, didnt get easier at all.

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Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Friday, September 23, 2005 7:18 AM

http://www.ohiocichlids.com <<<<If you keep cichlids
Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Friday, September 23, 2005 8:25 PM


Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Saturday, September 24, 2005 9:04 PM
Ok few things u should check and consider.First have u checked for any codes?Second it being a automatic it's very possible that ur TCC torque convertor clutch solenoid could be bad.It's mounted on ur transmission and if u have never change the fluid in like forever and several yrs back,a quick check is to disconnect the switch and if the problem clears up that's the problem.What happens is the solenoid sticks and causing irratic idle and the car can stall or almost cutoff.I am a 2.0 junky know alot about them but,suggest checking this first and let me know what u find.I will think on it some more and if I think of something I will post here for u.Start with this and we will go from there.OK

Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:59 AM
On mine, where is the the plug at? I dont want to disconnect the wrong thing lol. Havent checked for any codes yet. I just got this car a few weeks ago.


Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Sunday, September 25, 2005 10:47 AM
If the car acts like it's trying to die when cold I would replace the injector. You have throttle body injection on the 1989. I had a 1989 Cav. wagon that would act like it was going to stall unless you pumped the gas pedal. Once the engine warmed up it ran fine. After I put a new injector in I never had the problem again. From what I remember a new injector was about 80 bucks at Carquest Auto Parts. Pay the little bit of extra $$$ and go to a premium parts store on this one.

God bless America.
Re: Few problems on a 89 Cavalier 2.0
Sunday, September 25, 2005 8:03 PM
I have done almost a complete rebuild on my tbi,new gaskets,new injector and such.If the injector has poor flow or a irregular spray pattern or dripping its SHOT.Just pull off the air cleaner cover and look at it while the car is running cold,and hot see what it is doing visually.If its like the above replace it.Just a note DO NOT buy it from auto zone,they had mine in stock but ,was the wrong injector for my application.It fit and all but ,hell the car ran worse.After doing some research Advance auto has pics of most parts and YES they carry a EXACT match for my replacement.Go check them out online and see what the cost is prolly 75-80 bux is average.I pd 74bux for mine,simple to change if u need any assistance don't hesitate to ask!!Just do the above check and let us know ur findings.I tend to think as cav2002 said if ur having to depress the pedal to get it to go this maybe the issue, or something to that nature.

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