hey all, i'm about to hit 200,000km on my '02 Z....or about 120,000miles (i drive way too much).
what preventative maintenance issues do you think i should address? i just changed my tranny fluid and did my fuel filter not long ago. i've had a few fixes when needed... but i'm thinking things to address due to age/mileage.
<a href="http://groups.msn.com/2000Cavalier/2002z24.msnw" target="_blank">2002 Z24</a>
<img src="http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/pwdelta/moonwalk.gif" border="0" />
What tranny fluid did you use? Did it get rid of the nasty rattle? I'm at 105,000 and I think that while I'm changing the fluid, I'll try some red line or something to see if that rattle goes away.
Some people might say change the timing chain and some say not. Its your choice and its not cheap to do. Well thats if you work on your own cars, I dont do major stuff.
200 k on an 02'
:S I have an 01 and have 55 k :S wierd lol
stop driving by Timmies
"Silver 2001 Cavalier z24 5 speed 2 door sunroof and power everything "
AEM Short Ram Intake
B&M Short Throw Shifter
Just keep up the maintance that it says in the book go back from the start and check/change all ur fluids.