I have to change my waterpump on a 94 cavalier 2.2 but I don't have the instructions. Can someone supply them if they have them, or tell me where I can get them online
Imports better know they drive on Domestic roads....
Buy a Haynes or Chilton manual at any auto store..its going to cost you like what under 20 bucks and you have a shlt load of info on repairs
Changing a water pump on a cavy 2.2 ohv is pretty straight forward.
If your asking for help on this then I'd really recommend that you buy a repair manual to get started
my local parts store doesn't have that book. Says its too old. tried too places today. No wehre I can view this book online
Imports better know they drive on Domestic roads....
go to a book store they can special order if for you.
lol does anyone have just striaght forward instructions on how to get the job done
Imports better know they drive on Domestic roads....
but thats just it, its acutally that straight forward.
1. Disconnect battery
2. Drain out the coolant
3. Remove the serpentine belt
4. Remove alt. and bracket to make some extra room
5. Unscrew the water pump pulley bolts, remove the pulley
6. Unscrew the water pump bolts and remove water pump
7. Use a razor blade to clean off "ALL" silicone/gasket material from old water pump on engine block
1.Dry off water pump mounting area on block
2. If you have a gasket, spray "Some" not a lot of spray grease on engine block mounting area for pump. The place gasket against grease. This helps keep the gasket in place for step 3
3.Install water pump, with gasket being held in place by some spray grease you can now easily thread the bolts..""ALWAYS THREAD IN ALL BOLTS BEFORE TIGHTENING DOWN PARTS!!""
Water pump torque spec is 18ft. lbs
4. Fit back pulley, Torque spec is 22 ft. lbs
5.Fit back all other parts removed
6.Fill up coolant and bleed system
7. Once coolant system is bleed, DO NOT DRIVE AROUND TILL YOU NOTICE THE RAD FAN COME ON AT LEAST ONCE AND GO OFF ON ITS OWN. That should be a good system that the system is bleed properly
..if your not sure how to bleed the coolant system, plz do a search because its there somewhere
I thought removing the alt was unnecessary
Imports better know they drive on Domestic roads....
its a PITA and takes a while if oyu dont know what your doin i think that job pays close to 3-4 hrs
I AM the man from Nantucket
it was quoted at 2 hours
Imports better know they drive on Domestic roads....