I have a 95 cavalier and have dealt with the whole head gasket issue once already. I might be selling another vehicle that I have and looking to pick up a newer cavalier.
So my question is this; did GM ever address the HUGE problem with the cavaliers blowing head gaskets? If so, what years should I be looking into to avoid the problem?
Well John Krinshaw
dodge shadow's / neons / spirts etc. Well even fords and chevys have the same problems down the road, Only thing is when they do go its only time to get them fixed. Ive had a few 89 4cyl cavaliers with 200,000 plus km's on them never needed a head gasket job yet.
if you want head gasket issues go get a 1st gen neon. huge problems. on my 99 cavi with the 2200 i bought it a year ago with the original head gasket still on it with 114k miles and my head gasket went at about 125k miles. mine only went though because the thermostat and fan relay switch took a crap and i overheated it. also i'm at 137k now.
What you know about Street Racing anyways? Only what Fast & Furious taught us....
Get the 2.2 Ecotek , should be 02 and up.
i heard a huge problem in the 95's it seems and the ho's? then we have the 2.4's with the water pump problem..lol damn cars
Mostly on the 2.2s, pre ecotec. There are two small guide clylinders snug-fit into the engine block (look like a nearly-closed letter 'C' from the top), and, at least on mine, the one by #4 piston was installed so that the open end faced the water jacket. Coolant eventually got in there and ate away at the gasket. I found out by some slow seepage on the block. The one by #1piston was installed so that the open end faced to the closest outside edge -- back faced the water jacket. Big time manufacturing flaw. My engine indicated no coolant leakage at the 100,000 mile warranty limit, but the head gasket finally did start to fail noticeably at around 172,000 miles. F*ckers won't reimburse me the cost of labor for the repair!!! Damn lucky I got a buddy (SAE mechanic) to help me do it instead, for a sub an' a 6 pack! Learned a lesson NOT to rely on GM for honesty anymore.
Thanks for all the replies

So 02 and up? Sounds like a plan. I do remember reading somewhere that the worst years were like 95 & 96 so I started out with a bad year to begin with!
Actually, my first car ever was an 84 hatchback cavlier. It was only $700 and ran great until the computer in it died. I got about 5 years out of the car but by the time the computer went it would have cost more to replace the computer than to replace the car!