just as the title says, im smelling gas fumes from inside my car....i just got my car out the shop to get my main fuel line replaced and new injectors so i know thats not the problem...any help is greatly appreciated...

was the car ever in an accident? is it fuel you are smelling or is it possibly exhaust fumes?
2007 Chevy Trailblazer SS
-Corsa Catback/Volant CAI
-LS1 e-fans
-HPTuners reflash
It could be possible that when they replaced the fuel line and injectors that the gas that came out is causing the smell. I have spilled oil when doing an oil change and you can smell it inside the car for a little while. Or maybe they don't have something tightened. I would call the shop and ask them about it.
I had a friend once that smelled gas in his car... he was told it was the fuel pump.. spent hundreds of dollars on a fuel pump and getting it install... all the while the smell was coming from a gas can that turned to its side and spilled in his trunk... dumb@$$
I smell it a lot, like right after i start my car. I just dont care and it goes away.
You're reading my line-break, you are a loser. Lurch <3's the c**k.