i have a 98 Z24 and it misfires from a stand still. It runs fine going along and idles smooth. its only when u take off or rev it up. Ive changed plugs, plug boots, and the mod. any idea's?
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/zipnbyu/personal_pic.jpg>
maybe misfire was a bad term. More like a spit and sputtering. I have no CEL or any type of light on either. I take off from a dead stop and it sputters till it hits like 1500-2000 rpms.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/zipnbyu/personal_pic.jpg>
Check for vacuum leaks. I had a similar problem a while back. Found a small vacuum line right in the front of the TB. It was all dried up and had a crack in it. Replaced it and all is fine now.
98 Z24
RIP Specks
Im getting a blinking C E L i think i have the same problem dont know what it is yet
turned out to be a coil.
<img src=http://registry.gmenthusiast.com/images/zipnbyu/personal_pic.jpg>