My sensor is either on it's way out, or more likely, the connector is messed up. When I'm driving the temp guage will all of a sudden go down to 0 and stay like that for awhile, then sometimes it'll go back to 195 or start jumping from 0 to 195 ish. I'm bummed because it's throwing a CEL, and I'm going racing tomorrow and I don't want the ECM to be fooling with the fuel map just because there's a CEL on. If somebody can tell me the location of the sensor, I can check the connection and/ or replace the sensor to fix the problem before I leave tommorow.
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I believe the sensor is on the drivers side of the motor just under where the oil pressure sensor is....right behind where your power steering pump is....its kinda hard to get to but ull see it........Just follow your big coolant hose from the radiator and a few inches before the hose goes into the motor it will be ur first one.....
Its the one I'm pointing at...the brownish lookin thing..
Car is for Sale!Supercharger kit is for sale!
Thanks a bunch, Bobby. You even went the extra mile with the pic! Mucho Appreciato!
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