Hey i have a concern. my car (not a j-body) has had a slipping clutch since november. Now i dont drive this car very hard, its my gas miser..... but anytime i get it up around close to 3500-4k rpm....its sliiiiiiips..... so i'd say it slips maybe 5 times a week on average....merging onto the highway. otherwise nothing.
My question is..... is this bad for my transmission? or anything else? should i replace the clutch like right now.... or is it ok for me to just keep pushing it..... it seems to have been fine so far.
96 2.2 5speed
The only damage being done is to the clutch (gone anyway) and the flywheel. By now, you probably have a discolored flywheel (metal turns blue due to high heat) and/or severely worn flywheel face. If you're lucky, it'll only need resurfacing. The slipping was the clutch's way of letting you know it's done for, without letting you stranded on the roadside. Get it replaced with something better than factoy. Clutchmaster or Centerforce are great places to start.
its really bad for your transmission if you ignore the problem .... its not bad if you replace your fly wheel. The rksport flywheel actually is pretty good, from what I have heard, but ask arround in the treansmission fourm and see what they say.
From America to China ... playa all I love is vagina!
thanks guys i know its gotta be replaced soon. I'm just going with a stock unit, and if need be i will grab a flywheel from the wreckers if mine is toast. i dont own a Jbody btw.
96 2.2 5speed