Don't know how many of you are looking at your gas mileage meter per gallon of tank trying to see how fuel efficient your car is, but mine is crappy even before mod. Like posted last time, I got around 340 to 360 city miles per tank. Recently I came with another result for highway mile. My 3 speed auto gets me 440 miles per tank with a gallon left in my tank when filling up. About 31 miles per gallon on the highway. I do not mention my mod because most of the time I'm running in vacumn. Also, the total mileage is not just freeway, city stops are in there too. I was impressed so if any of you wants to try, let me know. Oh, in addition, this is from the same bottle of friction 3000 I used in the oil change. Won't be disappointed, GM claimed 33 miles per gallon, but I think most of you guys do not get even 30 miles per gallon. Also, speed is cruising at 80 mph.
What the hell are you talking about?
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