I have like a random tick kind of loud , I know its not a valve or anything...... I think its a pulley its to the left of the engine where the pulleys are... my buddy said to put them in oil to loosen up the bearings... any ideas? or problems for anyone else? its like a random tick tock tick lol..... I know it isnt engine cause i had this with the older one a year ago, and ive had the noise for a long toime, just never really bothered me........ but now that my car is nearing completeion of bodywork and paint, i want evyerhting ot be in top shape
If its ticking, I'm willing to bet its actually the timing chain making the noise. The noise should be coming from the timing cover (behind the crank pulley).
I'm will Zack, check your oil level my chain would make the same noise when I was about a quart low. Also run 10w-30 if you are still run 5w-30. If all else fails replace the chain.
If you don't want to change it your self the chain is about 80 bucks and the labor is about 6 hours.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat2.gif">
If it turns out that it is coming from the engine, its probably the actual timing chain tensioner that has gone bad. If you replace the chain, replace the tensioner as well. Depending on the mileage, you may want to change the sprockets as well.
it just seems weird it sounds like its coming below the alternator about a foot back and a foot below..... when i rev the engine a bit I dont hear it..... hmm
What year is the car. My car did the same thing. I thought it was a bad wrist pin. Had RSM check it out. Turns out the head has poor oiling proporties. So i changed that for one of theres, no more tic toc. Dont know if its going to be the same for you.
are you shure its not coming from right under the valve cover?? could be a sticky lifter or something, mine has that problem when its cold
if not as raptor said im thinking timing chain
turns out its a pulley with a worn out bearing......... anyone ever heard of this happening?
yeah my alternator did that on my old 95. so its not abnormal. it happens on alot of cars.
I recently had a problem with my tensionar pully ... it was wobling horibly. Replacing the tensionar pully is not uncommon for a FWD vehicle. I recetnly had a knowcking sound on my car. It only started when the engine was warm and it was ideling. I took it into the diagnostics center and they said my trany was going bad. It turns out that my ATI (atuo trans intercepter) was causing the problem. So .. I would check any after-market parts you have, especially the ones that involve your trany. Just my .02$
Representing the 810's ... biatch!!
[19:33] Lurch: I am sick of sex! (and you thought it would never happen)
*dan says: "lil' d ... do you have some skeletons in your closet"??
sandstorm says: "$%^!, Ive been caught
".* OWNED!!!!