ok i washed my engine bay. i degreased it and rinsed it. all i covered was my air filter. well i started it and the trac off light stayed on and the 5 mins after the trac off light the CEL comes on. is it just cuz i got some electronics wet or what? the manuel for my car says if the electronics get wet keep driving it let it dry out and the lights should go off. the only other thing i can think is i put on a pace setter header a week ago but no probs with that. i think its just watert. this happen to anyone else? thanks guys i know this was long.
did you have a missfire when you first started the car? that maybe why your light was on. That is common if you have bad wires. Tht would be if you have a push rod engine.
<img src="http://geocities.com/jimmythekid1/gecat.jpg">
before you go troubleshooting, figure out which code is being thrown.
<img src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/504808/z28.jpg" width=317 height=59>
no misfiring or nothing. i have brand new accel wires anyways. i just did a tune up like a month ago. i was told that i prob got something wet that wasnt suppose to and let it dry out and reset it. i am reseting in a couple mins. i will see if it comes back on if it does im going to autozone to get it tested.
Everytime the engine bay gets wet in my '99, my CEL comes on for a day or two. My idle runs high that entire time as well. I had the codes pulled once and it is my TPS throwing a fit. Just let it dry out and all is good.
i just had them pull the codes and its the o2 sensor they said well i bought a new one and its the wrong one. they dont know which one is for my car at auto zone. i think im just going to buy the o2 sims. its weird that it happend after i wash the engine and the o2 goes out. ive only had my header on for a week. who knows. damn electeonics.
just get the right 02 sensor for your car. no need for an 02 sim
Im a Xbox 360 fanboy...and damn proud of it!!
yeah i read up on the sims and dont want them. does anyone have a part number for the o2 sensors since autozone guys are idiots. thanks for your help guys
nevermind guys it fixed itself. i was driving around for like 2 hours today and it just magicly went off. i just got a little anxious and wanted that damn light off. glad i didnt have to spend the 70 on an o2 sensor. thanks for your guys input.
ok nevermind to the okay part parked car for about an hour and went to start it to go to a j body meet and mad misfire. why. what the hell is going on. looks like i am going to have to put stock parts on and take it in because of the warentte or however you spell it.
HELPPPPPPP please. now im pissed cant go to the jbody meet.