Something leaking under searing colum please help - Maintenance and Repair Forum
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I was just out looking at my car and under the seating colum at the underpart of the dash on the drivers side there is a strange orange fluid looks like it ran down it is not wet or anything looks like its been there for a bit was not there when i panied my dash anyone know what that could be ? powder stearing fluid? i dont drink in my car so cant be pop if it is the powder stearing fluid how hard will the powder searing line be to change or would i have to change the whole power stearing pump? and around how much would a garage charge me to change the line / pump?
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For all you polishing and coating need's
orange woudl be coolant
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
coolant? what kind of coolant is connected to the stearing colum
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For all you polishing and coating need's
none, but niether is power steering fluid
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
none, but niether is power steering fluid
hhmm where is the power stearing connect to the colum then?
i just took teh power stearing cap off and it is like the same color orange as the orange on the bottom of my dash and its almost like empty less then 1/4 int here well ti was never filled sinc ei had the car though
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For all you polishing and coating need's
It doesnt
it connects to your steering gear on the rack
orange P/S fuild? from gm it is clear, some use atf but thats red
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
orange around teh lid

of the capwhat lines run in the stearing colum of a 2000 cavy?
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For all you polishing and coating need's
no fluid lines run into the steering column. What do you think a steering column is?
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
Might have a leaking heater core, if it is coolant.
Not sure about its location, but usually coolant on the inside of the car means that.
Is the coolant level ok?
03ecols 5 spd wrote:Might have a leaking heater core, if it is coolant.
Not sure about its location, but usually coolant on the inside of the car means that.
Is the coolant level ok?
thats what I'm leaning towards, it in the center of the dash. But Im still not sure where poster is seeing the leak from.
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
i got a pic you ot aol im at all ? if so look me up i will show ya where its leaking from
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For all you polishing and coating need's
Two things.
One, heater cores are really cheap.
Two, they are a real pain to replace.
So, if you have time, DIY, if not, have it done, really, it sucks bad.
I did one in my '84 Camaro, it took forever, a real mess too.
Another indication of a leaky heater core is a slimy film on your windows, so if that applies to you, that should be your culprit.
what about trying some stop leak?
PaCavalier wrote:...powder searing...
Sounds like a heater core, but that would not be around the steering column.
Is this a current leak, or just some dried on crust from something that may have spilled a while ago?
-da chinchilla
<img src="">
This must be stained water. There is no way steering fluid can go up to the steering column, as I think
Luis A. Montero - COSTA RICA wrote:This must be stained water. There is no way steering fluid can go up to the steering column, as I think
you think correct
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
well haven't read all the post but in any case its due to a leaking heater core. the only fluids that would leak inside your car are brake fluid, or coolant from the heater core. so you say orange well dexcool seems to be the only fluid within that range and it comes from your heater get your head under the dash and take a the highest place its coming from, and you prob will find your heater core. not sure where it is behind the dash but it shouldn't be to hard to change since are dashes part off into differnt pieces..then again it depends on what you define hard as
I would define the term as having to take apart half the friggin interior to get to it, and laying on your back feeling around for screws and bolts.
Difficult, not really, a pain, oh yeah.
Maybe the J is easier to get to, don't know, but that Z28 was a friggin nightmare.
03ecols 5 spd wrote:I would define the term as having to take apart half the friggin interior to get to it, and laying on your back feeling around for screws and bolts.
Difficult, not really, a pain, oh yeah.
Maybe the J is easier to get to, don't know, but that Z28 was a friggin nightmare.
of course the J is going to be differnt..a 89 cavalier is going to be differnt from a 97 cavalier. i mean i can do it in 2hrs on a Freelander, the whole dash comes out in one piece and then theres the heater matrix right in the middle, but i can't say its going to be easy on a cavalier cause i do them all day on land rovers and think its pretty easy...its a different car...different platform...different setup all together..i see what your getting at but you gotta remember its a totally different setup all together
I know what ya mean bro, just after that experience, I'll pay somebody to do it, and I usually don't do that unless I have to.
This might sound silly, but smell it. That'll give you a hint on what type of fluid that is.
Beat it like it owes you money
2.4 CavaWeir (a.k.a. jiggamon) wrote:PaCavalier wrote:...powder searing...
He said it like 3 times too, haha.
-Nate (ZeeTwankyFo)
J-bodies are a pain in the ass, to pull the heater core, you must pul the ENTIRE one piece dash...its like doing it in a plymouth breeze
96 Sunfire, 2.4L Twin Cam 5 Spd, estimated 180hp
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