my car wont start....or the key wont turn...i tried everything...what could be wont move ,,,,,if you could help me out,...thanks
Try some di-electric grease, or silicone grease (NOT GLUE lol)... put some on the key and put it in and out real fast for 10 seconds or so and try.
If she still dont purr, lube it up some more and give the two some more alone time.
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Move the steering while trying to turn the key. What most people get caught in. When the steering lock and it's stop on the lock, the key won't turn. You have to move the steering a bit to be able to turn the key.
2.3 Ho
Same thing happened to me tried everything that gm told me to do but couldn't get it to turn. Ended up being my my anti-theft locking device. It cost 450 dollars to repair.
Thanks for the was the steering i got it runing..thanks a lot
^^ i hate that. i have the problem sometimes in my car but i dont have tilt steering so i cant move my wheel. its just really hard to turn