OK i got a 98 cav with the 2.2. I went to checker 2 days ago to get the rear brake shoes, and there's2 diff. sizes. 200 x 45mm and 225 x 45 mm (i think thats what the guy told me). So anyway, i guess there's a diffence between the Z and the base model as far as brakes go, and i bought the smaller shoes. Any info on this?
200X45. You can double check by pulling the rear wheel off and looking at the drum- its printed right on the front.
225's wern't out unill like 02 I believe.
Zach the guy told me to go with the 200's and if they didn't workm then take them back, but i lined the new shoes up with the one's on the car and everything looked fine. Sunfires and Zach, thanks for the help
Usually the bigger brakes are on the sedans. Usually.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/bodfucius/cars/1/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/bodfucius/cheaper.jpg">
Ok i have a 98z24 should i go with the 225 x 45 mm
went to shucks and then also have 200 x 45mm
but i figured since its a z24 it makes sense to have the larger brakes
input is good

Proud member on JBNW.org
JBO member since 2004
The rear brakes were made larger from 2003 to 2005 only. I'm not sure why they decided to do it at that time, but I suspect that maybe the larger brakes are the same as on the larger cars (Grand Am, etc), which would allow them to manufacture more of just that one size, probably saving them money. It also occurred at the same time that they made ABS optional, so maybe the new brakes are easier to modulate, reducing the potential of rear wheel lock-up. I remember the old J-bodies in the '80s were terrible for having the rear wheels lock, in the days before ABS.
Short answer - to my knowledge, no cars built previous to the 2003 model year will have the larger drums.
You want rare brakes??? Mine are factory