hey i'm changing my front driver wheel bearing i'm just not sure what to torque it at i've been looking on the net and for different cars it ranges from all kinds of different torquings.. any one of you know the right torque for a 99 z24? i've also been reading about over torquing it first to seat the bearing and then loosing it and retorquing it... anyone know what i'm supposed to do i'd really apreciate it . thanks.
oh and by the way... since i didn't really mention it ... just incase anyone's wondering i'm talking about the main nut the tightens the bearing with the end of the drive shaft (not the 3 torx bolts)
i remember when i took that off, it was HELLA tight, so when i put it back together i got a long bar and torqued the @!#$ outta that one.....
- Sold my beloved J in April 2010 -
pick up a Hayne's or Chilton's manual, they have all the torque specs. I have one at home, but I'm staying in another town for a week so I can't look it up; however, 150 ft. lbs comes to mind...
"i promise we won't get drunk, and go out in boat in the dark, stand up in the boat and fire the gun into the air unless we have life jackets on."
its called the axle hub nut... and my chiltons manual says 185 ft lbs.
Like Dennis said, its 185 ft lbs and thats according to the factory service manual as well.
In the real world no one really bust out the old torque wrench on wheel bearings. You just stop when your impact sings. it may seem sad put this is what the majority of the professionals do.
1979 Impala Sport Coupe Aeroback
yeah..... getting back to this topic a couple weeks after i posted it... lol here is what i found out... jimmythekid1, you're absolutely right and that's what i did... i found that out as soon as i bought the bearing and looked at it.. the way these bearings are made they ahve in innger peice that when you tighten it on the axle it doens't squish the bearing itself... like older 2 peice style bearings used to be... THOSE bearings had to be torqued exactly to the right specs otherwise you blow your bearing in no time.. but yeah the torque on our car's wheelbearing's main bolt is about 180... or 185 as Zach and denis said.
thanks for the info though