Ok, so i was taking the airbags off and i really dont know but something happened and everything flickered and the car went off and wouldnt start again. just go click click click
then i called my dad and he thought it was the battery b/c he just had that go wrong with one of my other cars.. So i go jump it and it works for a few minutes and then died again.. now its click click click..
im thinking its the altenator just not holding a charge b/c i must have fried it or something.. anyone got any info that will make me feel better about getting a new alternator tomorow and installing that.
Well u could take ur car to advance auto or auto zone they do a free battery alternator test to verify which is going bad or if things are ok.This would be the simpliest way to determine the real problem since u do not have a multimeter to check the voltage at each of these points.Easy enuff.
easier said than done when the car doesnt move
i can take the altenator out i guess
I simple test to see if it's the alternator...
Get the car started, and while the car is running..
Carefully remove the negative cable to the battery..
If the car keeps running; it is not your alternator..
If the car dies, then it is the alternator
HI Chris
I would NOT check the alternator by removing a battery connection.
Read this link ,(Below) ,which has a very good article about alternators and in the first Paragaph 3 say "Do not ever disconnect a battery cable whilst the engine is running".
The great thing about this article is that you can read as deeply into it as you have the time or interest.
I think this could be done on older type alternators although I have never tried it and still wouldn't recommend it.
The best way to test is with a voltmeter or multimeter set to volts, if there is 14.5volts at the battery terminals the battery will be charged correctly.
If not, then test at the alternator Batt termin to earth/ground and if you have 14.5ish volts there the alternator is ok and the fault is cabling between the alternator and battery.
Do not forget to check for blown Fusible links in the Alternator to Battery circuit
Hope this helps some and you are soon back on road
Good luck
sounds more like a bad connection at the battery
pull the cables and clean the ends up , and put it back together make sure they are tight
if that still doesnt help its prob the battery is a goner
make sure the battery is reconnected all the way
tighten the terminals in there real good... I hooked mine back up and turned out they weren't connected all the way, so my starter will click(solenoid working), but not rotate the engine...
is it a single click when you turn the key, or is it a rapid ticking?
Read this link ,(Below) ,which has a very good article about alternators and in the first Paragaph 3 say "Do not ever disconnect a battery cable whilst the engine is running".
thats how you burn out electronics.
<img src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-11/504808/z28.jpg" width=317 height=59>