So my car has been out side for about 2 months not moved. I start it up and and try and go foward or reverse and its like iam doing a brake stand. The car like stands up on the tires and it dosent budge? Any clues at all would be greatful. Thanks for the help.
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front or rear? if its the rear, the ebrake is probably stuck..
yeah, I bet the e-brake is stuck. If it were me, I'd just keep giving it gas till it broke free, but i'm sure that's not the right way to fix it. LOL
Try to pull a couple of times on ur e-brake cable to try to get it loose. U can acces it from ur rear fender.....
Well I gave it gas and left off the clutch and now i have like 6foot burn out marks in the driveway.....Ive also tryed pulling the ebrake a couple times. No luck with that. Ill try just pulling on the cable it self. Any more suggestions.
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Here's a suggestion try to put the whells off the ground and try moving each wheel to see which one is not moving to narrow it down.
Mine happen same thing sat for 2 months this was 2 winters ago i had winter tires/rims on i drive it till it broke free like 40 feet of rubber and skid marks.