I'm just kind of curious to know if anyone else uses blackstone labs (or any other oil analysis company) to check your oil. If so, what kind of results did you get? I'm looking for trends in other people's results that kind of match mine. Basically, did anyone else with a 2200 get a result that shows bearing wear and very miniscule amounts of sodium?
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/bodfucius/cars/1/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/bodfucius/cheaper.jpg">
No one else gets their oil tested? Is this site truly only "How can I make my car go fast for cheap?" and "why can't I cut my springs?" Tres dommage.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/bodfucius/cars/1/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/bodfucius/cheaper.jpg">
I plan on doing it at about 100K miles or so and i will just go to john deere store and get a kit. same one my dad uses. but i have a while to go for now.
Vincent Morris wrote:I plan on doing it at about 100K miles or so and i will just go to john deere store and get a kit. same one my dad uses. but i have a while to go for now.
no offense, but in general i'd put that into the 'extreme care' of knowing things. I think that for 99% of people knowing that would be like, look what I know.
almost excatly like you...
you got the results and now are trying to figure out what they mean.
seems to me like its money better spent on changing my oil. rather then sounding like an eltiest ba$tard.
ohhh look look I know my oil chemistry. thats nice billy go play with the rest of the kids now..
pet on the head
actually its a smart move. it can prevent a lot of things. For instance my dad uses the same kit and he found out there was a high fuel concentrate in the oil. If this were to go on for a while then there would be too much liquid in the oil pan and the would fill until it caused more problems. Granted he has a 71 camaro that is built for performance, but he also found metal fragments in his oil scan too.
michael - See my first post. I think I've got a pretty good handle on what the f*ck the results mean. I'm just looking to see if anyone else got similar resutls. I'm trying to see (as I said in the first post) if this is a trend common to the 2200 engine, or something with my vehicle specifically.
Vincent - I have a lot of friends that use these anaylyses, and they're great. Do it before 100K though. It's better to do one now, to get a baseline, and then another later.
<a href="http://www.j-body.org/members/bodfucius/cars/1/"><IMG SRC="http://www.j-body.org/registry/bodfucius/cheaper.jpg">
Check out www.bobistheoilguy.com. There is a used oil analysis section on the site that can give you some good info. You can post your results there and someone will tell you exactly what they mean and whether it was a good result or not.
God bless America.
cavaleer2002 wrote:Check out www.bobistheoilguy.com. There is a used oil analysis section on the site that can give you some good info. You can post your results there and someone will tell you exactly what they mean and whether it was a good result or not.
The reults taht are sent back with my kit are explained on there. It will tell you, metal fragments, or it will sa fuel mixture. Pretty simple test and works well too.
i use to work for a company that tested oil.. Ive tested mines many of times (not by Blackstone labs)same results had my car tested at roughly every 5,000 miles since it was new till about 70,000 till i left the company for greener pastures
bottom line you WILL 70% (rough guesstimate of how many cars Ive done, vary in mileage, type, cyl..,fuel injected or carb) of the time find metal fragments its wear and tear as far as fuel in it coolant and such and the handful of other things they test most of it is mute (and this is coming from the owner/science guy!)
i tested my oil last year November with 190,000 on the car and 50,000 on the engine and metal fragments! so i talked to the master mechanic and 2 others i know they say the same thing its normal to an extent to have metal in the oil.(esp. in newer cars due to the brake in, so I'm told). so to sum it up oil testing can be used as a useful tool but don't read to much into it..
and as far as saying
No one else gets their oil tested? Is this site truly only "How can I make my car go fast for cheap?" and "why can't I cut my springs?" Tres dommage.
which is load of poo poo..
many of us have spent countless hours of time, money, blood, sweat and tears to do the things we have done to our cars. just because no one responds don't automatically think we are a bunch of buffoons, we have lives outside of the net

Granted this may be new to allot but not all
beer is like a chick.. well not really its just beer, it be cool thou huh?
o ya sodium is usualy due to gas issues quality mostly
beer is like a chick.. well not really its just beer, it be cool thou huh?